Potato Galette
This sliced potato dish is similar to a cross between a dauphinoise and a rösti and can make a nice alternative to either.
- 830g floury potato (6)
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil
- 40g unsalted butter
- 500ml any stock (depending on what you are serving it with)
Preparation Time: 10–20 minutes (+ 20 minutes to reduce the stock)
Cooking Time: 30 minutes
Serves: 6
- Put the stock into a saucepan and boil it until it has reduced by ⅔. Then put it to one side.
- Preheat the oven to 200°c.
- Thinly slice the potato.
- In one very non-stick and oven proof frying pan, put the oil and 20g of the butter and place the pan over a medium heat until the butter is foaming. Then remove the pan from the heat.
- Carefully make an overlapping layer of the potato slices in the pan, taking care not to touch the pan with your fingers (this layer will ultimately become the top of the dish, so it is worth taking your time and making it look neat). When you have completed the layer, season it with salt & pepper.
- Now continue to layer the potato (you don’t need to be as neat as the first layer) until all the slices of potato are in the pan.
- Return the pan to the heat, turn it down to low - medium heat, put the rest of the butter (in small pieces) over the top of the potato and cook it for 10 minutes.
- Pour the stock over the potato and put it into the oven for 20 minutes.
- Remove the pan from the oven (be careful as the handle will be very hot), and allow it to cool for 5 minutes.
- Check that there is no liquid stock left by tilting the pan, if there is any liquid, drain it off. Then place a chopping board on top of the pan and, holding both the chopping board and the frying pan very firmly, flip the whole lot over so that, hopefully, the gallette is sitting on the chopping board. This is where you will discover the true non-stick capabilities of your frying pan.
- Cut into slices and serve.
Useful Information
Can it be frozen? No.
Can it be prepared in advance? No.
Will leftovers be nice? No, not really.
- When flipping the galette over to remove it from the pan, avoid holding the chopping board on top of the pan for too long, especially if your chopping board is made of plastic, because it might melt.